Heartland Pawnbrokers is located in Overland Park, KS. Looking to sell something or just borrow some cash against it? Heartland Pawnbrokers can help. They deal in a variety of items, including Jewelry, Computers, Tools, Televisions, Firearms, Cameras and the list goes on and on!
After using CompuPawn for many years, David Crume was looking for a way to let his customers pay remotely. He was thrilled to learn that Bravo had acquired CompuPawn and that he would now have access to the first pawn mobile app, MobilePawn.
“It was a no-brainer. I switched to Bravo that day and never looked back!”
David’s Top 3 features are Bravo’s two mobile apps—MobilePawn and Bravo Shopkeeper—and its’ eCommerce suite, which includes Buya and his company branded site. MobilePawn empowers his customers to make payments at their own convenience and review their account, while Bravo Shopkeeper enables his employees to upload photos instantly to their online inventory listings, which helps items sell faster.
One of David’s favorite Bravo advantages over the competition is its eCommerce options. In addition to the exclusive marketplace, Buya, and the eBay API integration, David also has a company branded site showing his entire inventory.
“With my own website, my customers can look online at everything I have for sale. There probably isn’t a day that goes by where somebody doesn’t come in and ask to see something they saw online. And we just convert those looks into sales every day!”