Easy Ways to Boost Online Sales This Holiday Season

By Kathleen Owen

This blog post is part of Bravo’s 90 Days of Retail Marketing Guide for Specialty Retailers. To see more content like this and to follow along on our calendar, visit our 90 Days of Retail webpage.  

You’ve heard us say it again and again – eCommerce is KING in the age of mobile phones, digital payments and the internet. If you’re not selling your inventory online, you’re missing out on a huge market and potentially losing money on your products.  

Bravo makes it easy to sell your items online and eliminates the hassle of managing two separate inventories. All you have to do is set up your auto-default to post online, which will list your item on your eCommerce website as you price it.

It’s more important to have your items listed on the internet, where it can be found, than it is to wait until you have flowery descriptions or pretty pictures ready. Just get them online. It’s easy.

But once you’re there, take some time to go the extra step and make your online listings more attractive than your competitors’. Here are a few easy things to remember when selling your items online.

Create Listings That Get Noticed

The central point of online sales is your listing, so start strong. What does the consumer need to know? What do they want to know? Why should they choose your item for purchase?

  • Decide where you want to list online and follow listing parameters.
  • Include detailed and accurate product descriptions.
  • Include condition rating and an honest description of wear and tear for pre-owned merchandise.
  • Include a well-lit photo, a well-written description, and a way to answer customer questions about the product.
  • Include all items in your inventory, even your best items! Consumers want to see all inventory.

Take Professional Looking Photos - Without the Cost

Set your listing apart with great photography! You don’t need the fanciest setup to take eye catching photos. Photos are essential to eCommerce and can make or break your listing.

  • Pick a location that’s well-lit. Indirect sunlight is best to showcase the item. Watch for shadows!
  • Use a good camera. If that’s your phone, be sure to clean the lens! Ideally, you’d like a device that can take photos at 12 megapixels or higher.
  • Take lots of photos or even short video clips to let a customer see what they’re getting.
  • Use white posterboard as an easy DIY backdrop for your photos.
  • Zoom in on details and take photos from different angles to give customers the best look at the product.

Drive Great Customer Experience

We’ve all heard it’s easier to keep an existing customer than attract anew one. Keep this adage front of mind as you’re creating and managingyour listings and fulling orders. Reward loyalty.

For more resources like this visit our 90 Days of Retail webpage.  

About the Author

Kathleen Owen | VP of Marketing

Kathleen Owen has spearheaded the development and growth of marketing and sales teams at several B2B SaaS companies spanning different industries throughout her career, including firearms, pawn, wealth management, payments, eCommerce and insurance. In her role as Bravo's VP of Marketing, Kathleen loves helping companies scale, improve operational efficiency and drive bottom-line results through strategic implementation and adoption of new technology platforms.

Kathleen attended the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee where she earned a B.A. in Communication, as well as a Masters Degree in Communication and Rhetorical Studies. During her time at UW-Milwaukee, she was a member of the Division I swim team and taught Public Speaking & Argumentation as a teaching assistant.