Buying, selling, and trading luxury items can be difficult—especially when the customer is unaware that their item is counterfeit! The customer experience is one of the most important aspects of running a pawn shop.
So the question is:
"What is the best way to confront a customer about the legitimacy of a luxury item?"
"How do I break the news to a customer that their luxury item is a fake?"
In this webinar, you will learn how to have a professional conversation with customers and figure out a way to guide them through the process of authenticating luxury items.
Click here to see more of our on-demand webinars.
About the Author:
Tally Mack is a fifth-generation pawnbroker and eCommerce enthusiast. She loves traveling, being outside, and working out.
Before taking the reins as CEO, Tally served as Bravo's Vice President of Business Development, leading the company's sales and marketing organization. She's been instrumental in leading and executing many of the company's strategic shifts, including the acquisition of CompuPawn and the recent launch of
Tally earned her Doctorate of Law (J.D.) from DePaul University College of Law in 2013 after attending the University of Colorado at Boulder, where she earned her B.A. in Communication Studies. She also completed the Key Executives Program from Harvard Business School in 2013.
Tally is a pawnshop lover and eCommerce enthusiast—dedicated to the success of both her employees and customers!